NOSES Survey Day: Chesham Citizen science
Start date18th OctoberEnd date18th October
Start Time10:00End Time14:00
LocationChesham Cricket Club
Join us for our NOSES (Nutrient Ongoing Scrutiny Evaluation Survey) phosphate and nitrate water sampling survey day based at Chesham.
The survey day will run from 10:00 until 14:00, although you are welcome to finish once you have returned your collected water samples to us, which is likely to be from 12:00.
We will provide tea/coffee and biscuits on your return from collecting samples.
Participants must be over the age of 18.
Please ensure to register through the Eventbrite link below if you intend to attend this survey day should we need to contact you with any change of plans.
This survey day will go ahead regardless of weather conditions, as we are interested in phosphate and nitrate levels in the Chesham area, both in wet and dry conditions.
Additional information