What we do

What we do

The data the project collects is vital in our fight to save the River and its catchment. Find out how.

The Chess Smarter Water Catchment project is collecting a range of data from its initiatives, including information about water quality, water vole populations, and results from citizen-science surveys. As we progress with our work, we will provide feedback on this data for our volunteers, stakeholders and the public.



What’s on guide to the Chess catchment Please see individual event listings for details, and contact the organisers directly if...

Water quality & quantity monitoring

As part of the project, we have placed sondes (multiple sensors) into the River Chess to give us live 15-min interval information on its water quality characteristics.

Ecology and wildlife monitoring

We are monitoring wildlife along the River Chess and in its catchment to understand how it is responding to threats and challenges, and how conservation works may help to restore it.

Chess Access Project – ‘Two Rivers Walk’

Background The Chilterns National Landscape team and the Chiltern Society have been working with Sustrans to identify a new and...


The State of the River Chess is a baseline report for the Chess catchment. Find it and other key reports here.

Our achievements

Our Chess Smarter Water Catchment project is tackling the issues that face the river and its catchment through partnership working.

More about data collection in the Chess catchment

  • Chess Watch is a partnership between the Queen Mary University of LondonRiver Chess AssociationChilterns Chalk Streams Project and Thames Water. The partnership is monitoring water chemistry in the River Chess, increasing public awareness about the threats to water quality and river health, and providing educational materials about chalk streams and the links between water quality and water quantity issues in rivers.
  • A Natural Capital Assessment – a project to collect data on the extent, condition and change in ecosystems, natural capital, and the benefits to society – is being undertaken in the Chess catchment. Baseline data has been complied to provide evidence for the issues and challenges in the area.
Chilterns ANOB
Chilterns ANOB

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Get involved

Join our citizen-science army, volunteer with a conservation organisation or save water at home – you can help the Chess in many ways.
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Chilterns ANOB

Volunteering Hub

Have a look at all the volunteering opportunities that are available through our partner organisations around the Chilterns.
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Chilterns Chalk Streams Project

Learn about our flagship partnership project, committed to conserving our threatened chalk streams and the wildlife they hold.
Chilterns ANOB