Chess Valley Farm Cluster

Chess Valley Farm Cluster

In 2023-24, Harriet Bennett, our Chess Farm Cluster Engagement Advisor was busy working with 25 different farms across the catchment delivering a variety of projects that support the environmental objectives of the Chess Smarter Water Catchment Project and the ambition of the farmers in the cluster.

Come back in March 2025, to see how things have progressed!

Chilterns ANOB

1.7km new hedge planted across 3 farms

Chilterns ANOB

Planting cover cross to improve soil structure & prevent run off

Chilterns ANOB

4 tonnes of bird food & 14 owl boxes planned for distribution

Chilterns ANOB

Botanical surveys on 5 farms to identify species-rich grassland

Chilterns ANOB

Adoption of GPS auto-steer technology for precision farming

Chilterns ANOB

300m of hedge layed