Watercress Beds River Restoration

Watercress Beds River Restoration

Location: Crestyl watercress beds

On the R. Chess at Sarratt Bottom, where the landowner’s family have been working the site since 1886.

Chilterns ANOB

Restoration scheme summary

The Chilterns Chalk Streams Project(CCSP) has worked with the landowner to design & deliver a scheme that removes weirs and revetments, and reinstates a more natural looking and diverse watercourse that better supports juvenile & mature trout as well as other species such as water vole and kingfisher.

Chilterns ANOB

What's been done?

Using local chalk and flint gravel, islands and pool & bar features have been introduced into the channel; Large woody material has been used to create berms, deflectors and tree-sweepers; Fish passage has been eased through the removal of three weirs and two other impounding structures.

These have all reintroduced to the river a variation in depth, flow types and habitat characteristic of less modified chalk streams. We are also converting a watercress bed into a natural looking pond expanding the local habitat mosaic.

Chilterns ANOB

Working Together

The work is being carried out with support from the Environment Agency and in partnership with the landowner, the CCSP team, and volunteers & staff members from the Chiltern Rangers.