Providing a baseline
Produced in the first year of the Chess Smarter Water Catchment project (March 2021 to March 2022), the State of the River Chess is a baseline report for the Chess catchment. This desk-based study provides an understanding of where we stand with regards to each of the project’s six themes: improving water quality; managing flow; improving wildlife corridors; managing invasive non-native species; working together; and involving people. The document also provides an opportunity to engage with people in the catchment and inspire action for the Project as we move into the future.
We will be able to repeat this study within the Project term (10 years) to see if there have been any improvements as a direct result of the investment we have put into the catchment, or if the River Chess and its catchment are still degrading.
The State of the River Chess
Our stakeholders have produced a comprehensive report called The State of the River Chess. This baseline report outlines our current understanding for the area, and will drive future improvements and interventions, as well as providing an essential tool to evaluate the success of these works. This report was produced as part of the Smarter Water Catchments initiative which is being piloted within the River Chess catchment. It aims to tailor our next steps and continue to promote our stakeholder-led approach, reaching out to wider communities.